Β· wrinkle brain plays Β· 2 min read

Wrinkle Brain Plays

Plays for Execution on May 2, 2023. In the style of a Medieval Poet

Plays for Execution on May 2, 2023. In the style of a Medieval Poet

Tickers of Interest - TL;DR

Gamma Max Cross

  • ACI 06/16 21P for $0.20 or less
  • SNDL 06/16 1.5P for $0.10 or less
  • CHTR 06/16 360P for $10.00 or less
  • FAS 06/16 60P for $3.20 or less
  • HUM 06/16 535P for $15.35 or less

Delta Neutral Cross

  • XBI 06/16 82P for $2.90 or less
  • ABBV 06/16 150P for $1.70 or less
  • IQ 06/16 7.5C for $0.15 or less
  • HD 06/16 295P for $8.00 or less
  • COST 06/16 495C for $15.10 or less

Trading Thesis - A Crayon Feast Fit for Kings (🀴)

In days of yore and ancient lore, past prices sway today!

Technical analysis we explore, as indicator shadows play. πŸŒ’

Options pondered, interest wonders, Delta and Gamma dance. πŸ’ƒ

Portfolio Greeks we enlist, a rascal’s trading chance!

For tickers swift and lightning quick, react to delta sly, πŸ§™

To gamma max, we turn our backs, then set our sails to fly.

These echoes of the past, dear friends, our trading signals prime;

From there, we soar to skies adorned with profits so divine.

Notes - A Wrinkle in Time and Stray Advice 🀯

  • When entry prices flee your reach, hold back and bide your time, ⏳
  • With half your prize, then strategize, and savor sweet the climb.
  • Risk but a morsel of your gold, and wisely dollar cost. πŸ’°
  • Just yesterday, these tales begun, so heed how fortunes tossed.

FAQ - Questions Many Speak, an Audience in Fear 😱

  • These plays of chance, do they lean bears and signal gloom ahead? 🌧️
    • Nay! The companies on display quite likely over-bread.
  • Dare thee enter all these games, with jest and humor rife? 🎭
    • But share I will, a play or twill, to guide ye apes to life.
  • A new play sung, another’s begun, what says the ancient meter? 🎢
    • The old replaced, with new embraced, wise sages don’t chase neither.
  • Where be the crayons? So we plaint πŸ–οΈ
    • Fear not, above I’ve deigned.
  • Have you back-tested, oh so fast? 🏁
    • Indeed, a Sharpe ratio massed, around 1.76 at last!
  • What say the bards of history? πŸ“œ
    • Realized Sharpe, 1.82 we see, a win rate set at 66%! πŸ†
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