· wrinkle brain plays · 2 min read

Wrinkle Brain Plays

Plays for Execution on March 24, 2023. In the style of Dr. Seuss.

Plays for Execution on March 24, 2023. In the style of Dr. Seuss.

Tickers of Interest - TL;DR

Gamma Max Cross

  • GME 04/21 22.5P for $2.05 or less
  • RIOT 04/21 9.5P for $1.25 or less
  • AI 04/21 25P for $2.30 or less
  • GFI 04/21 12P for $0.35 or less
  • BKKT 04/21 1.5P for $0.15 or less

Delta Neutral Cross

  • BABA 04/21 86P for $3.75 or less
  • UBER 04/21 31.5C for $1.35 or less
  • DIS 04/21 96C for $3.15 or less
  • LQD 04/21 108.5P for $0.95 or less
  • MU 04/21 61P for $2.95 or less

A Trading Treatise - Why These Crayons Are the Best to Eat

In the hustle and bustle of trading stocks in a den,
Technical analysis makes you predict, then predict again.
Using past prices to find levels that matter,
And studying indicators so your profits don’t shatter.
We look at options, their interest we account,
With Delta and Gamma, our greeks we amount.
Portfolio-level greeks at different price lines,
Reveal where gammas are maxed and deltas align.
Some tickers respond to these levels you see,
Their prices bounce off like a bumblebee.
It’s off these levels we base our fine schemes,
For trading the market and catching green dreams.
Using a model, binomial in name,
We find where to enter our profit-seeking game.
A move in the stock or an IV swell,
Makes our plays all the better, as far as we can tell.\

Notes - A Wrinkle for Your Brain While You Rest

  • If prices have moved, take caution, indeed.
    Something has shifted, so carefully proceed.
  • Sell half on a double, and then let it ride,
    With the remaining shares, you can decide.
  • Risk up to one percent, if you dare,
    But if less certain, then tread with more care.
  • Remember, the trades were made ere market’s rise,
    So new price moves may change the prize.

FAQ - Queries from the Whos, Here and There

  • Mostly puts you trade, are you a bear so queer?
    • Nay, it’s just companies’ run-ups, we’re trying to steer clear.
  • Are you in all these plays, do you follow your rhyme?
    • No, dear friend, I share tools to help you climb.
  • If a new play’s mentioned, what of the old one in song?
    • Forget the old play, the new one’s come along.
  • Where are the crayons, the colors so bright?
    • Click the links, and they’ll come into sight.
  • Is this all tested, or just whimsy and play?
    • Yes, my dear Who, a Sharpe Ratio of 1.76, so they say.
  • What’s the performance, has it proved quite delightful?
    • A Sharpe Ratio of 1.88, and wins in 66% of the fights!
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